DV Invest is an investment intermediary licensed according to decisions of the Financial Supervision Commission of 2002 and 2006. The Company specializes in brokerage, investment banking and corporate finance. The company is a member of both the Bulgarian Stock Exchange and the Central Depository. DV Invest provides expert services according to the specific needs of the clients and offers individual solutions in the following key areas:
Since 20.06.2017 the sole shareholder of DV Invest has been ATBIH GmbH., domiciled in Austria, which is owned by Vienna Insurance Group AG - Austria.
Vienna Insurance Group AG (established in 1824) is one of the biggest international insurance Groups in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The headquarter of the Group is situated in Vienna. The Group works with about 50 insurance companies in 24 countries and has approximately 23 000 employees. The shares of Vienna Insurance Group AG are traded on both the Vienna Stock Exchange (ATX) and the Prague Stock Exchange.
Vienna Insurance Group AG is on the Bulgarian insurance market since 2002. when the Group purchased the insurance company “Balgarski Imoti” . It is the majority owner of Bulstrad Vienna Insurance Group, Bulstrad Life Vienna Insurance Group, VIG SERVICES BULGARIA (since 2010), and Pension Insurance Company “Doverie”. The last companies that joined the family of VIG in Bulgaria are the management company DV Asset Management and the investment intermediary DV Invest thus optimizing the expenses and improving the quality of the investment services of the companies within Vienna Insurance Group in Bulgaria.